Sabtu, 27 Juli 2024|Jakarta, Indonesia

Celebrating 30 years of IMT-GT Cooperation: Reflections on Increasing Connectivity and Economic Development in the Region

M. Shaqeel

Sabtu, 25 Maret 2023 - 07:00 WIB

A A A - Jakarta, 22 March 2023- The Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) cooperation in recent years has had a significant impact on the welfare of people in the region. 

In order to optimize this impact, it is necessary to strengthen cooperation from both planning and implementation of a number of IMT-GT programs so that the resulting benefits can reach various regions in each country.

Following up on this, Deputy for Coordination of International Economic Cooperation Edi Prio Pambudi led the Indonesian delegation at the IMT-GT Strategic Planning Meeting (SPM) held in Bangkok, Thailand, on Tuesday (21/03) to report on the development of cooperation and plan programs current year's work.

"IMT-GT cooperation needs to take into account risks and opportunities from global dynamics and megatrends, to realize the IMT-GT 2036 Vision," said Deputy Edi at the start of the meeting.

On this occasion, there were 8 areas of cooperation that were reported, including agriculture, tourism, halal products, digital transformation, trade and investment, environment, connectivity, and human resource development. In addition, the development of academic cooperation ( University Network ) and the business sector ( Joint Business Council ) was also reported.

Furthermore, the meeting also discussed a series of priority agendas for 2023, including the 15th IMT-GT Summit which will take place on the sidelines of the 42nd ASEAN Summit in May, the 30th anniversary of the IMT-GT, and the IMT-GT Visit Year 2023-2025. 

It is hoped that these series of activities will be able to promote the benefits of sub-regional cooperation and contribute to facing the challenges of institutional mechanisms as well as regional and global dynamics.

"30 years is the ideal age for the IMT-GT Cooperation to reflect and play an active role in the current and future multidimensional crises," said Deputy Edi.

Furthermore, Deputy Edi emphasized 4 important things to be considered in the future. First, strengthening connectivity to facilitate the flow of goods, people and capital, as well as strengthening the supply chain . Second, the adoption of digital technology, including in the development of MSMEs. 

Third, accelerate the energy transition. Fourth, take advantage of the position and availability of IMT-GT strategic commodities in global trade.

In particular, Deputy Edi also conveyed directions related to food security and the sustainability of the agricultural sector, reopening tourist attractions by involving all parties, the IMT-GT program as a regional halal hub by cooperating with UNINET and the business world, inter-island and continental connectivity, sub-regional digital transformation, the role of the business world in the region to participate in the MSME exhibition side event at the PTM IMT-GT in Batam September 2023, strengthen TVET cooperation, and support for green and blue economy programs .

Closing the meeting, a number of Senior Officials also gave directions to the Working Group regarding ongoing projects and new project proposals. There needs to be synergy and close cooperation between stakeholders to realize projects, especially for projects that are currently on-going.

Also present at the occasion were Senior Official Malaysia, Senior Official Thailand, Director of ADB, and Director of The Center for IMT-GT Subregional Cooperation (CIMT). 


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